public art - esplanade

In 1996 some Coolum people came together and rallied for the inclusion of public art in stage 1 of the streetscape redevelopment. Some were at a loss to reconcile the installation, while others understood that creativity is not a familiar experience. The unfamiliar has now become the familiar and dialogue, from the onset was very aptly named! For Cate, Tony and myself, it was a privilege to drive that community process and we thank everyone involved.
Liz Jamieson, Art-On-Site-Unit-Coolum, 2006
dialogue and ebbtide is meant to act as a focal point of welcome and to denote some of the ‘special’ qualities of Coolum. It is a work intentionally designed to reflect Coolum’s relaxed, fun loving and informal atmosphere. The sculpture invites the touch and exploration by young and old alike. Children especially like the interactive elements, such as the peepholes and monkey puzzle. Coolum’s dramatic coastline and the power of nature provided the primary source of inspiration. The distinctive “egg rocks” created through ceaseless tumbling on the beach over eons and entrapped in crevices by the same pounding nature of the waves are expressed in a variety of ways in this large gateway installation. The spirit of the beachcomber is there as well, in the eroded sandcastle shapes and marine patterning in part of the work. Hew Chee Fong + L.M.Noonan 1997